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发布日期:2015-12-11  浏览数:4955  信息来源:中国矿业大学

Global Recruitment for Executive Vice Director and PI


Applications are invited for:

Institute of Sustainable Energy (ISE), CUMT


China University of Mining and Technology (CUMT) is one of the top national comprehensive universities in China. The Institute of Sustainable Energy (ISE) of CUMT is a newly established research institute directed by Carlo Rubbia, the 1984 Nobel Laureate of Physics, and C. C. Chan, Fellow of Royal Academy of Engineering (UK) and Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering. ISE’s goal is to conduct research on next generation energy systems, and build an international top class research center in the areas of sustainable energy.

ISE is currently focusing on the following three research fields: a) Zero Emission Energy Systems – such as spontaneous transformation of CH4 into Hydrogen and solid Black Carbon without CO2 emissions and Innovative Renewable energy systems; b) Innovative Energy Storage Systems and Intelligent Distributed Energy Recourse Systems - systems essentially based on renewables (solar, wind, nuclear, etc.), advanced power electronics, advanced energy storage systems, genius smart control systems and smart integration of energy and information; c) Long Distance G-Watt Electric Power Transmission - a transmission of electric power up to 5000 km with a novel type of super conductivity (MgB2).


ISE is now accepting applicants for:


1)     Vice Director – Executive: A full-time faculty who is familiar with international research regulations and responsible for the operation and management of ISE under direction of Prof. Carlo Rubbia and Prof. C.C. Chan.

2)     Principle Investigators (PI): Professor grade (tenure), or similar positions in colleges or institutes. PI will be responsible to build and lead a team in each research field narrated above. Researchers with team leading experience is essential.


Qualified candidates are expected to develop innovative and competitive programs in those three research fields. Adequate research funds, competitive salaries, wellfares and benefits will be offered for the positions above. The salary will be no less than the tenure salary in world well known universities.

Applicants shall send your curriculum vitae, brief research proposal and submit an application form to the contact email below. Researchers specialized in other research fields are also welcomed to apply faculty positions in CUMT.

The expiration date of the applications is Feb 29, 2016. *. Applications are open from now. Applicants will be replied within 15 working days since application received. Interviews will be conducted in mid Mar. 2016 with the participation of Professors Carlo Rubbia, C.C.Chan and consultant experts team from CUMT. CUMT will offer a round-trip air tickets for each applicant accepted for the interview **.


For more information, please contact:

Prof. Gao Ding, Vice Director of Talent Introduction Office, CUMT

Email: gaoding@cumt.edu.cn, or kdrc@cumt.edu.cn.

Tel: +86-516-83590278; Fax: +86-516-83590211

Add: (221116) Department of Personnel, China University of Mining and Technology, No. 1 Daxue Rd, Xuzhou, Jiangsu, China.

University website: http://www.cumt.edu.cn/

Job vacancy website: http://pd.cumt.edu.cn/

Application form download URL: http://pd.cumt.edu.cn/39/3c/c352a276796/page.htm



* Closing Date: Feb. 29, 2016? This recruitment is still available after the closing date, applicants are welcomed for inquiries.

** CUMT has a responsibility to ensure that all employees are eligible to live and work in China, and work position will be available for nomineesfamily upon requirement according to the final work agreement. Personal data provided by applicants will be kept confidential and for recruitment purpose only.





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Application Form_2016.doc

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